Valtrace uses artificial intelligence to value companies and predict future financials.
We trained and tested our neural networks on public companies, so we know it works well.
We use a illiquidity discount of 20% in our valuation estimates for private companies. We hope in the future to improve our estimate.
These networks can then be used to estimate the worth of private companies.
Valuations can be used in a number of situations.
If venture capitalists insist that the companies that they invest in have setup value tracability, and they gain access to the dashboard, they help both themselves and their companies make better decisions.
Private companies benefit from metric traceability. They often have long financial histories that can provide a good estimate of the company's value.
The static portions of the app are written in React and served with Netlify. Our API runs on AWS Lambda and uses Python Keras/Tensorflow for deep learning. Continuous deployment is accomplished with a GIT push. AWS Cognito is used for authentication. Company financial data is stored on AWS DynamoDB and GraphQL is used to pull from other data sources.
If you want to leave feedback or get in touch with us you can email us at: